Tuesday, September 21, 2010


¿Que significa "Introduction"?
Webster's Dictionary defines Introduction as having the qualities of beginning to say something.

¿Quieres empezar con una cita?
Why yes, that would be quite nice, but I feel like quotes are usually chosen to unify a work or emphasize a theme. Seeing as this is an ongoing venture and at this point, I've only written the introduction, let's wait a little while for the themes to develop. So far, I've got my eye on "Redemption" as a central theme and I'm going to try to weave in some Christ imagery later.

If I had to choose a quote, it would probably be from Mark Twain's "The Innocents Abroad," which is a delightful romp but I haven't finished it yet. I do remember a young chap in it who planned to write a journal of his travels as he could fetch a pretty penny for them back in the States, but faltered part of the way through. We'll see if that tale becomes a metaphor for this blog.

¿Por que el título?
The title of this blog is derived from two separate instances. First, "Bueno" is Spanish for "Good," "Alright," and "No problems to report." At least I think it is. When used in a different context it can also signify "I have no idea what you are saying." Given the fact that I have used the latter definition countless times already, I thought it appropriate to include it here.

The second part of the title stems from a metaphor for communication with the outside world. I see this blog as really serving the same purpose as the aforementioned Dixie Cup and string telephone system - delivering short, useful messages and receiving replies of the same nature.

¿Sabes que este formato de preguntas es un cliché?
Yes, I do realize that, so I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for any bad jokes or poorly translated Spanish. Although that's really Google Translate's fault.

¿Y finalmente, por que un blog? Dijiste en el pasado que blogs sólo están escritos por "self-absorbed logorrheites. ¿Por que unirse con estes filiteos?
Basically I want to remember all of the details of Spain and the travels abroad. At the same time, I want to be able to share these experiences with people so as to provide a better account of the trip than just a list of places. So with that in mind, I hope you'll join me as I journey through the intriguing, sometimes fascinating, chain-smoking país that is España.


  1. This is hilarious/awesome. Especially since I've been to Madrid before so I kinda know what you're talking about.

    Like, for example, they really do smoke so much there. It's weird. O___o

  2. Subtitle: The ugly 'merican visits Spain and sprinkles movie references on his cornflakes :-)
    Hope you had a great Birthday. You're completely legal, man.

  3. Gracias. Yeah I've already sold the film rights to this blog. Bill Murray is set to star with David Byrne playing the cartoon that provides the inner monologue and they have Jim Jarmusch directing. Ennio Morricone is doing the music while Dean Tavoularis is designing some production. And we just traveled back in time and had a young Orson Welles do some uncredited script rewriting. Alright, this started out as a Hollywood joke but then became something else and I'm going to stop now.
